Human life is unpredictable. You never know when you will encounter a situation where you need to open a locked door. However, it can happen at any time.

 6 Ways to Open a Door Without a Key | Locksmith Dubai Tips

6 Ways to Open a Door Without a Key | Locksmith Dubai Tips

What happens when you are about to walk out the front door, and you realize that you have locked the handle and forgotten your keys on the table? Worse, if you accidentally get stuck in someone else’s bathroom.

Have you ever been in this kind of situation? If so, your stress levels may be at their peak!

In any case, this brilliant trick seems to save you time in addition to checking with a local. Moreover, autofixerdubai provide quick and effective solutions in just a few minutes.

6 Ways to Open a Door Without a Key
We open and close the door more than we eat. Right? You met your favorite person after years on a strange street. You received a promotion letter you never expected this year, or perhaps you accidentally got a 60% discount on your favorite shoes.

Likewise, harmful events are also unplanned and we face them every day. It is better to prepare some of them.

What happens if you lose your keys? This can be even more annoying and disturbing, especially if an adult or a child is screaming inside.

What is even more tragic is that locking your car keys while you are a mile away from the city can turn a day trip into an adventure that can be quickly forgotten.

And many similar stressful situations. What should you do?

This guide is your escape route. Keep calm and learn this amazing trick to save your time and impress your sweetheart.

Method 1: Unlock with Credit Cards.
Unlock Door with Credit Card -autofixerdubai
Unlock Door with Credit Card -autofixerdubai
Works best with: Spring Lock

This will not work with deadbolts but is perfect for spring locks. It is advisable to choose a cheap laminated flexible card that is not useful to you.

Scenario 1:

Insert the card between the lock and the door frame so that it is flush with the edge. Bend it back and push it back to open the door.

Scenario 2:
If there is not enough space between the lock and the frame, slide the lock between the door and the frame, then quickly slide the card downward while tilting it toward the shelf. Thicker sound cards are helpful here.

Method 2: Open the lock with a screwdriver.
Works best on: Privacy handles and interior doors

The second most common method that autofixerdubai (and you) use to open a door. To open this type of lock, you can use a butter knife, a paper clip, and a spring-loaded screwdriver.

Step 1: In the keyhole, gently adjust the screwdriver. You can analyze the correct direction to fit between the toggle switch on the screwdriver lock. Make sure there is enough space in the safe for the screwdriver to move the toggle switch.

Step 2: As you turn the screwdriver, pray to God to open the lock. In case of unfortunate circumstances, try using different angles to rotate the screwdriver.

Method 3: Butt Knife
Best for: Flat Keyhole Door

A simple flat keyhole is often seen on bathroom doors. You can opt for a regular kitchen knife or a bread knife. It is important to use a knife with a thin but bendable blade. A butter knife is highly recommended as it does not have a sharp cutter.

Step 1: Place the top of the knife and rotate it. It will do the job in the next second. A coin can also replace the butter knife.

Step 2: Push the knife into the door while applying pressure. You only have to tilt the blade slightly to get the right angle to move the lock. You can also try these multiple examples before the door opens. However, if you adjust the lock, the door can open.

Method 4: Identify the parts of the door.

Best for: Locked and stuck door

This trick helps you unlock the door, even if the door is stuck. But it requires a lot of strength and patience. One way is to start by kicking under the cabinet. This may damage the safe, but the door will open after multiple kicks. You may have seen this method in many movies. The second method is to remove the door hinges.

Step 1: Insert a screwdriver between the bottom and the pin. The head of the screwdriver should be a standard size. Hit the handle of the screwdriver with a hammer.

Step 2: Apply force in a downward direction, and you will see that the head and the pin have become completely loose.

Step 3: Apply this technique to each hinge one by one if it is difficult to get the hinge pin out of the hinge. In this case, a Phillips screwdriver will help you.

Method 5: Drilling
Dubai Locks – Drilling Locks
Drilling Locks
Best for: All safes except high-end safes

Drilling is possible for all safes, but the latest technology makes it difficult. For example, if someone is in danger or needs immediate help,


Find the right size drill bit and target the top of the keyway (where the pin is). Carefully insert each pin without pressing it too hard (56 pins in most locks). When using the drilling method, cover your face and especially your eyes as flying metals have no senses.

Recommended method: Call a locksmith.
Best for: All conditions

Call a autofixerdubai
Call a autofixerdubai.
Calling aauto fixer Dubai good service provider in Dubai, is the best and easiest option for every locker. They are experienced enough to provide solutions. Compared to the above strategies, this may seem inconvenient.

In other cases, however, hiring an autofixerdubai to open the door without a key is the best alternative. Locksmith in Dubai offers exceptional services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Close-up of woman locking entrance door with a key. The person using a key and unlocking the apartment door

6 Ways to Open a Door Without a Key | Locksmith Dubai Tips
Close up of woman locking entrance door with a key. Person using key and unlocking apartment door.

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